Monday, April 28, 2014

Healthcare Costs

To keep busy in retirement, I volunteer quite a bit.  For instance, I help in Fern's math class on Thursdays.  I really enjoy it.  It makes me feel smarter than those around me.  Also, taller.

A couple of months ago, the kids were learning fractions and the teacher handed out worksheets for them to practice.  After struggling with the concept for awhile, one student asked for help.

"What am I supposed to do?"

"Well, you are given two different fractions.  You are supposed to come up with a number that is greater than the smaller one, but less than the larger one."


"It's a little different than most of the math problems you solve.  Don't worry about finding THE answer.  There is no single answer.  In fact, there are an infinite number of possible answers."

"Do I have to list all of them?"

Monday, April 14, 2014

Killer Fees

When I was in grad school, a very silly woman lived in my dorm.  About halfway through the second semester, she decided to fall in love with Gerard Depardieu.  She had never seen one of his movies.  Her knowledge of him came from a single article she read that waxed on about him.  But that was enough for her.  Everything from that point on was Gerard Depardieu this, and Gerard Depardieu that.

(In part, I think she just liked saying his name.  And let's be honest, who doesn't?  It's totally fun.  Try it with me.  Gerard Depardieu, Gerard Depardieu, Gerard Depardieu.  See?)