Monday, March 31, 2014

Don't Budget, Be Happy

Say you've been reading this blog for awhile now, and you are actually inspired.  Okay, let's be realistic.  So instead, let's say you're like, "Wow, that Deadwood is a complete waste of carbon.  But I do want to save more."  So you sit down and start working on a budget.




Monday, March 17, 2014

Rule 3: Invest Wisely (The Experts)

Several years out of college, I was having dinner with a few of my old high school buddies.  One of them, Filmore, was making an observation about cultural shifts, and lamenting our relatively disadvantaged social life growing up.
"Today, it's great.  High school kids just don't seem to care about race.  They intermingle much more, now.  In fact, interracial dating is really common.  We would have done a lot more dating if it was like this when we were teenagers."
 I was floored.  I had a completely different understanding.
"Fil, the reason we didn't get dates in high school isn't because we were minorities.  The reason we didn't get dates in high school is because we were nerds!"
 It never even occurred to him.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Why "Deadwood?"

"So how did you come up with your blog name, anyway?"
"Do you know how hard it is to come up with a new name on the internet?  Everything is taken.  There is no original thought.  Someone once said that."