Monday, March 3, 2014

Why "Deadwood?"

"So how did you come up with your blog name, anyway?"
"Do you know how hard it is to come up with a new name on the internet?  Everything is taken.  There is no original thought.  Someone once said that."

"Yeah, but in the end, you still came up with Oregon Deadwood.  Why that?"
"Well, I live in Oregon, after all."
"(Sigh)...not that part.  Deadwood.  Why deadwood?  Do you feel like deadwood?"
"There's that.  Some people's natural reaction when you tell them you are retired is to think you are useless.  A drain on society.  So after many failed attempts at finding an unused name, I tried Oregon Deadwood on a whim.  And the name happened to be available.  So then I thought, hey, maybe I can work with this.  I realized that deadwood plays a vital role in ecology.  Deadwood provides nutrients for young flora and shelter for small fauna.  So just as deadwood completes the cycle of growth with renewal in the forest, so I would like to use my experience and wisdom to nurture the generations that follow.  And maybe, just maybe, in my own little way, I will have helped us become a less materialistic, and more fulfilled, society.  This is my dream."
"Shut up, Dagwood."
"Yeah, okay."

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